Tuesday, 8 March 2016

Welcome to the Jowyverse 3/8/16

Back in my imaginary world of the jowyverse 

World map 

 these two speed paintings of Bog City and The Accident Lava Jam Temple.
time: 15 hours

Bog City
The dreary capital of the Ghastly county region, a vast land of swamps swarming with monsters and supernatural goings on.
The cities most designative features are its long series of canals that run through the surrounding jungles, and its downtown area designed too look like an old steam boat that used to sail on the nearby river. The city also plays hosts to swamp related sports and a lot of private clubs.

Inspiration: New Orleans , Voodoo Vince and the canals of England. 

Lava Jam Temple ruins

thousands of years ago The lands to the north were known as the produce lands This was because this was the realm where food grew in abundance and was the birth place of the concept of breakfast smile emoticon. The oldest civilization was the toast kingdom, They worshiped the very food they harvested and made. Believing this was a gift from the gods They built many different shrines to honour them.The most iconic landmark was the sacred Lava Jam Temple overflowing with the earths core that in this part of the world had the substance of jam, which is how the temple got its name. Over the decades the land started to dry up and the Toast kingdom declined in size leaving many of its monuments to crumble and be left to the elements. The temple still stands to this day but it is a death trap of difficult to navigate corridors and sink holes.

Inspiration: Rayman 2 The Sanctuary of Stone and Fire, Jam and ancient ruins.  

WIP below 

Until next post Laters