I find myself getting up late on my days
off from work because of how cold and damp its getting outside in the UK. I
just want to stay in my bed for another 10 minutes but old man winter wind
sends his cold air right up my back and wakes me up rudely.
About the Graphic design job……yeah… it
may be temporary until Christmas and I do not want to put any information or
twitter rants out there. Lets just say its been a good experience and I have
improved on my design skills since I started there 8or 9 weeks ago. But come
next year it would be best for me to find a better graphic design studio.
Big thing next Saturday
I am vendoring at the local craft fair
Crafty Muthas Sat23rd in my local church. Preparation has been underway for the
fair since last week all my prints and Xmas cards I designed have arrived and
will be uploaded after the fair and yes some of them are pony related so stay
tuned for those beauties. I am throwing in some BUCK prints and prints of my
old art that got me started on the path to illustration). I have such an
amazing story on how I got started as a young artist but I should save that for
another day not enough energy to type it all out today lol also I am not a big
head or Trixie lol.
little preview of the prints and cards i have reday for the fair the cards will be uploaded after or before the event have to see
Usually I would be going to the big comic con up in Leeds called Thought Bubble
but to save time and money for my U.S con plans for next year. I am missing it
this year a little sad :( about it obviously. But I have a bright creative
future ahead: excited: and want to keep the distractions to a minimum if
possible I still have not touched GTA 5 in weeks or caught up with my YouTube
subscriptions. :nuu: :stupidme:
I started livestreaming recently and I plan to do more in the coming weeks. My
first experience was very positive, did not shut up for a whole three hours I
love to talk sometimes folks if you know this blog you understand what I mean.
Because of all these shenanigans I have postponed the development on my Jowy
web comic and Humanise.com, :no: which I am a little disappointed to stop But I
have to concentrate on the markets I am currently involved in to break into
something then nothing. Please still support and check out the projects on my
DA account we will return to them soon enough it's not dead. :phew:
Plus I am making the effort with illustration Friday again so you can always
see my :crazy: zany illustration style there.
have a cute pony
Since starting my job at UK Print and media i have wanted to get back in to the habit of studying from life aka my journey to work. And the metro newspapers as there are so many helpful interesting references to use for practising realism these are three of the studies i have done in the last eight weeks third one i am least satisfied with but live and learn as Crush 40 say XD (only some will get that joke)
Until next Post LATERS ; )