Friday, 27 July 2012

Jowvery Shenanigans 27/7/12

See what i did there with the title bad pun i know.

Another blog post at last I have got to stop doing that whole its been a while Schick because it has not only last week I posted something up but not to get on my soapbox again.

I had a stoke of genius yesterday while taking a walk in the sunny weather a Tex Avery inspired comic with my characters.

Now I will be honest animation fans I know very little about Avery or other cartoonists of this time apart from a couple of Disney animators. But I have a great deal of respect for what the man did bringing cartoons to a whole new wacky dimension that too this day makes me smile still. 'Slang in symphony 1951" is one of my fav shouts of all time (watch it please if you have not).

The scenario I have is a inspired by the Wolfie and Droopy chase scene where Wolfie thinks his lost the mutt but finds him in the extract same location and logically PANICS running away to the next gag.

pilot to co pilot BOO ............  0_0

 I want to go all out on this piece and do it in trationadl media . Like pencils, pro markers and ink of Course. It would make this that much more special then digitally drawing it on a tablet.

Character re designs of my these goof balls
down here to fit in to the comics sytle

Now I am not going to copy exactly Tex’s style I just want to mimic that humor in this sequence of images that are playing out in my head as I write this post can not wait to start designing the gag. Not sure if this comic will entirely work because of how flexible and stretchy the characters are. But if I can catcher that sense of fun and originality that Avery had in his shorts then I feel I would be doing justice to the very definition of cartoons.

That’s my opinion anyway.

i will try and do as much development on this as i can and keep it updated regularly.

but until next blog post LATERS ;)