Friday, 29 June 2012

Jowy Shenanigans 29/6/12

This week is the final week to get the competition pieces I have been posting on about for the last two weeks ready for submission today before five. Now I got the first illustration done and added an overlay layer of colour to the tonal value because I felt for the subject matter its characters needed to look and feel vibrant despite how dark the backdrop got but I feel it brings out the characters better.

There are elements I would change in this but I think it’s at a good enough finish to submit to the competition that I hope gets my style recognized.
I had started making very good process on the second illustration in terms of tone but liked I ranted about on facebook a couple of days ago I lost all that PS work and only ended up with a small recording from screenflow to archive what could have been a strong piece. But considering time I doubt I will even get it up to the standard I had imagined it to be. Still I will send if off as a line art drawing if worst comes to worst  

anyway until next post LATERS ;) 

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