Friday, 9 November 2012

Jowy Shenanigans 9/11/12

The development of (ambitious comic project)

Today i wanted to concentrate on panel arrangements and use the script my Dad has written for the story so far to get some feeling for action and movement. The last thing i want to have is beautifully detailed backdrops and set pieces and just static stiff characters and poses. This world needs to show richness of life.

i can going to ask my Dad nicely if i can put up the whole draft script so you can understand a bit more about this whole universe and its existence (no idea for characters names as i have now reason for Annabelle).
Roughs make it a whole lot easier to declare who will stay and who will go

Yes her eye is sightly bigger than her other but i am still  working out her final design, and for that matter the whole cast. I have noticed a bit of  Katsuhiro Otomo influence in the way i do people recently especially from the sides and chins. 

Evaluating what i have done today i think the next step is too get started on the splash page and try and  polish up the finish on this page ready for Leeds thought bubble next weekend . 

Until next post Laters ;)

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