Wednesday, 6 March 2013

Jowy Shenanigans 6/3/13

CARDA and Mutt of are getting inpatient

I feel my concentration has been slipping a bit recently .I have been distracted by two big things in the last few days. 

First is the Manga Gunsmith cats by kenichi sonoda the problem is and this a complement not an issue .There are so many twists in the story that leave me wanting more by the end of the volume that I have to read on. I cannot lie in saying that Sonodas style has hooked up back in to reading manga and watching anime. Then there’s the fabled time-lapse videos that I can spend a whole day watching because its very inspiring to me how these videos are able to capture so much life in a city or natural environment seriously just a simple recording of a guy driving around London streets for 39 minutes sparks my imagination so much but wastes precious art time.

Speaking of time I better not ramble on again as that’s for facebook and Twitter. comic project update

Slaked a little with the development but brought some bigger pads to start designing bigger roughs for the final inks. Starting with the splash page, as it will introduce us to the universe in one huge detailed illustration I am dreading and looking forward to doing this particular page.

10yearItch website job update

The client was not too happy with the characters I drew in the centre of the composition for the question banner. So we changed the middle to fit in a huge question mark, which works ok in my opinion but it gets the message cross.

Warley woods Trust cartoon series

This month I am looking at finally visiting the local woods thrust to advertise this series I have been eveloping on since the start of the year I plan to make the cartoons part of my brand and business plan as I am slowly working on that so I could start selling my brand and cartoons to the public to get more recognition in the dog eat dog world  

Round off this update with some random tablet doodles

I do not like to repeat myself online but I will try and update more regularly because the guilt of leaving this blog alone for even five days scares me.

Until next Post Laters  :)

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